Activities: Seminars, Conferences...


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Carlos Aurelio Esplugues MotaLLM (Harvard), MSc (Edinburgh) Professor of Private international Law, University of Valencia (Spain) Professional Address: Departamento de Derecho Internacional Adolfo Miaja de la Muela

  • Facultad de Derecho, Univesitat de València
    Avda. dels Tarongers s/n
    46071 Valencia (Spain)
  • Phone: +34 96 3828551
  • Fax: +34 96 3828552
  • eMail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




The project aims to promote reflection on EU values and their implementation abroad by studying, first, the relevant EU policies and its extraterritorial application and second, the role of the EU in international society.


The Asociación Española de Profesores de Derecho internacional y relaciones internacionales (hereinafter, AEPDIRI) aims to contribute to the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy in setting up a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy: global growth provides opportunities for exporters and competitive access to imports, but it takes for granted an international framework which a fragmented world denies. The project focuses on the intricacies of EU policies to explore the enhancement of EU values.


The proposal includes:

  • 4 conferences entitled: The extraterritorial application of EU Law, The external action of the European Union, The European Union in the international society and its contribution to international dispute settlement systems, Challenges for the European Foreign Policy. All of them include a call for papers to young researchers. The conferences will be open to the general public, but targeting in particular professional groups, university students and civil society representatives. They will be organized in different locations in Spain.
  • 3 workshops entitled: The EU and the fishing industry, EU international investment policy, Constitutional core values and international law. They are related to the conferences, but conducted by experienced researchers with a view to starting a debate between young researchers, professional groups and civil society representatives. They will be organized in different locations in Spain.
  • 3 roundtables entitled: Fighting against corruption practices beyond EU borders, EU¹s global involvement in conflict prevention, conflict resolution and crisis management, Implementing EU priorities on human rights.
  • 1 webinar entitled: EU Regional policies: the case of Latin America and the Caribbean. The webinar aims to promote debate on this policy with a focus on the joint initiative on research and innovation.
  • Deliverables: The webpage of the AEPDIRI will be updated to include a specific area devoted to the project and relevant information related to it. An e-book with paper version will be published gathering all relevant and high-quality papers.

Outcomes and impact

  • Promote the debate on EU law between senior and young researchers.
  • Improve governance of EU policies by making civil society representatives and professional groups aware of EU values.
  • Enhance research on the specific matters addressed and advance the studies on EU law.
  • Create synergies with researchers of emerging economies.

All the events will be used to promote discussion and reflection on EU issues and enhance knowledge about the Union. We will discuss and explain the EU law in the following thematic blocks: competition law, environmental law, data protection, intellectual property law, fight against corruption, civil protection and humanitarian law, immigration law, conflict prevention, conflict resolution and crisis management, investment law, foreign policy.

Publications Books, reports and e-books